Searching for momentum in 2022...

Searching for momentum in 2022...

Sep 09, 2022

Hi everyone. I felt it was time to reach out to you all by way of a channel update, giving you some behind the scenes thoughts and info and, as always, taking the opportunity to thank every supporter on my Buy Me A Coffee page.

In the world of YouTube, 2022 has been legitimately nuts! In some ways this has been a positive for the channel content. Let me explain...

The rise of the 'short-form' video (thanks Tik-Tok) has meant that all social media platforms have started to push reels or shorts or something of the like. Coinciding with this, we have seen all of the main platforms start to push promoted and/or paid for posts - anyone who has an Instagram account will know that their feed barely shows any of their friends accounts anymore, rather it is filled with suggested accounts or adverts.

The result of this is falling views and viewer interactions on 'long-form' (proper) videos. In my opinion, it could result in the death of the small, independent creator. However, the scrabble for views and the need to engage my existing audience has really forced me to try and improve my edits which, despite the hard work, I am loving.

My Schiehallion edit has to be one of my favourite to date :

You will have noticed that this has been my first edit to really utilise the drone. And it's about this time that I need to say thank you... Every single one of my supporters had a part to play in this video and I am so grateful. I will make sure that the drone is put to good use over the next few years.

So what next? We are heading into winter and this time of year always gets challenging for content - low light and wet trails don't often favour the GoPro. I will keep trying to be creative and make sure the channel stays active and varied. If you have any suggestions for the type of content you would like to see do not hesitate to contact me.

One last thing while I am here. I will be dropping a very special video on Monday to coincide with next weekend's Tweedlove ProAm enduro event. If you haven't seen a video in a while then I would recommend turning the YouTube notifications on and tuning in for this one.

Take care folks. Thanks as always for all the support and help you have given!

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