2022 Update 2 - Thank you!

2022 Update 2 - Thank you!

Jul 18, 2022

Well folks... Sorry it has been so long since my last update. 2022 has been crazy. As you (probably) know, YouTube is a hobby of mine that sits firmly between work, being a dad and riding. I cannot complain about my life, I just recognise that is very busy... Sometimes it's hard to find time to do the important things like communicating with you guys!

I'll keep this short! In summary, YouTube is harder than it's ever been. I am focussing on making sure my edits are varied and not just standard - shoot a trail and talk down it. The good news is I am still gaining views and still gaining followers. The channel has just surpassed 600,000 views and there are over 6500 subscribers. The channel still makes a loss each year, however I hope to get it to the point where it pays for itself - which could be tricky given spiralling fuel costs!

Last year I set up a Buy Me A Coffee goal - to raise money to assist in the purchase of a drone. For ages I was struggling to find the right drone. However, I found one! I spent a total of £1347 on the drone, around £800 coming from you guys.

Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how thankful I am. My aim now is to repay that debt to you by producing more in depth and exciting content for you.

Anyway. Enough from me. Thanks again. I will get back on the editing and location planning! I think it's time to take the drone to the mountains...

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