A special Christmas for the Sanctuary Do ...

A special Christmas for the Sanctuary Dogs.

Dec 12, 2022

Hi everyone,

This is a quick note to let everyone know we are going to do a little Christmas party for the dogs. 🎄🐶🎅

We are creating a little package for each dog that gets purchased a package which will include an individual blanket, a toy and a special protein rich meal for $15 each. This will be really special for each of the dogs. I am so hopeful that we can get all of the dogs a little treat package in the next week so none are left out but we will do our absolute best to make this a reality. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

You can purchase directly here at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/StreetDogLegacy/e/106097

These doggos are so deserving of this. Please help us create a special day for them.

If by some chance we get any extra donations we will do a mass street feeding for any stray dogs. You have our word on that!

As always,

In complete gratitude,

Rob, Jacqueline and the team. 🐾❤️🙏🐕

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