'Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt' is a weekly podcast of stories for children. The stories are meant to be fun and silly. I just wanted to spread some joy in challenging times.
They're perfect for bedtime, car rides or when your leg is caught in a bear trap and you're waiting for the emergency services to arrive.
I'm a children's author. I've written dozens of books across the 'Nanny Piggins', 'Friday Barnes' and 'Peski Kids' series. As well as 'Shockingly Good Stories' which was based on this podcast.
I live in Bowral, Australia with my husband and two daughters, and Henry (aka as Stanley on the podcast) my ever present dog (he literally sits here through every recording of the podcast).
You can support the show here by "buying me a coffee". All help is gratefully appreciated.
Recent supporters

Catherine Robertson bought 5 coffees.
Your books are really amazing and I love Nanny Piggins and Friday Barnes ❤️

Someone bought 3 coffees.

Rachael Bailey bought 5 coffees.

Kez bought 5 coffees.

Harriet S bought 5 coffees.
I recommend Nanny Piggins check out 'Greeking out' podcast - she might learn some more Greek myths - Harriet age 8