About Steven.QuantsNote
writing articles and plugins to boost your performance
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Selected articles:
SyncPA Discord Notifier for SureCart – Streamline Your Order Notifications to Discord
Presto Player Review 最佳的線上影片播放解決方案
BunnyNet CDN 免費額度! 來玩 Presto Player 囉!
Flying Scripts 提升網頁速度,改善 Google Core Web Vitals 分數
Self-Host Google Fonts 提升網頁速度,改善 Google Core Web Vitals 分數
Recent supporters
As online shop owners, we’re often tied to our desktops or laptops to monitor incoming orders. This limits the flexibility that online business owners—especially those handling physical products—should enjoy. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to receive order notifications on a simple, accessible platform, and even better, manage those orders directly from there? That’s where Discord proves...
Streamline Your Order Notifications to Discord
Nov 13, 2024
The long wait of Thrive Themes' speed optimization was finally finished. Let's check and see what Project Lightspeed and Clearfy can do to help further improve the Google Core Web Vitals score. Check for more details: Site Optimization – Thrive Themes Project Lightspeed + Clearfy Pro Review
About WordPress Site Optimization – Thrive Themes + Clearfy Pro
Sep 03, 2021
With Presto Player plugin's help, it's not hard to improve video hosting via YouTube in WordPress site. Further more, it's allowed to remove the redundant ads overlays from the video player so the user experience (UX) will be even better. Check for more details (in Traditional Chinese): 1 個步驟,改善 YouTube 影片載入速度、提升訪客觀賞體驗 – 使用 Presto Player
1 Step to Improve YouTube Video in WordPress with Presto Player
Jun 01, 2021