You're probably messaging Big Mary

You're probably messaging Big Mary

Jul 11, 2022


Happy monday. Somehow we've survived the weekend! Hope it was a good one whatever you did.

I did the classic thing of eating healthy all week and then consuming 70000 calories across the weekend wallowing in excess.

So a perfect weekend really!

Unsocial Media

Those of you who follow on here and the various social media platforms will be more than aware I'm absolutely terrible at social media and to be honest I would prefer not to use it and have face to face interactions but it is the world we live in.

I'm also very aware that it has many benefits including reaching people from all walks of life across the world and allowing connections that otherwise would not be feasible.

But in reality I much prefer the tangible in person experience of meeting someone. You can properly connect with someone!

As such I tend to login to social media every now and then and then disappear for a while. It takes an actual effort to overcome that boundary of interacting with a computer screen! So for example when I post something on YouTube I tend to just pop it up there and then not look at it for weeks. Post and ghost as they say!


Big Mary (my mom) however is something of a legend, as many of you know. And she is connected to my Youtube channel (super cool I know - sharing a youtube channel with your ma!)

And she loves interacting and reading the comments an writing comments back! I keep telling her not to read comments (because the internet can be a turgid mess at times) but she keeps insisting that 99% of the interactions are positive and fun and lovely. Must be something to do with the quality of person that enjoys such lush music!

So chances are very high if you've ever interacted with stuff on Youtube you have chatted to a combination of both my ma and me. So mind your manners and speak right to me ma!!

You'll be able to guess which interactions are with Big Mary because they will be spelled correctly and articulate and helpful and pleasant. Whereas I'll probably just reply with something saucy!!*

International Athlete!

Here's a bit of personal info for you! I've been selected to play touch rugby in a big international competition in a few weeks time.

Yes I'm humble enough to admit that I am a stud athlete alongside being a musical theatre performer.

So in a few weeks time I'll be able to share insights with you about if you can compete at an international level having done nothing but cruise and eat food constantly for 4 months followed by 2 panicked weeks attempting to try desperately to get in shape to compete!

I don't fancy my chances if I'm honest!! But we will give it a lash.

Here is a photo of the boys from last year. For my sins I'm competing in the mens open category which is full of young talented incredible athletes and one old man (me)


I've a few weeks of painful running around a field ahead of me. I'll keep you informed as to how/if that goes!!

Have a great week. I'm off to jog gently and attempt to counteract aforementioned 7000 calories


*that was meant to say sarcy but it autocorrected to saucy and I kinda like it

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