Stefan Powell
36 sostenitori
You have the fire 

You have the fire 

Jul 18, 2020

You have the fire.

It burns deep inside.

Like a volcanic eruption

tormented with pride.

The question is only when; 

not if - it will blow.

You just need a reason 

and then 

you will glow. 

You have a talent, 

You have an ambition,

You have the might,  

You have ample precision.

You just need an outcome; you truly desire. 

A purpose, 

A focus, 

A challenge, 

A spire.

Once you have found it, I know you’ll ‘tear up those ‘trees’. 

You’ll climb your own mountains; you’ll swim across seas. 

You’ll open a window and shout out to the world - I’m here and I want you! 

It’s my time to be heard. 

Is it people or places, a maker of things? 

Are you a writer, a painter or a poet who sings?

Are you a full time mother, father or juggler of flames? 

It doesn’t matter your focus just whether what you do is worth the stamp of your name. 

It’s there in the moments 

you laugh and you smile. 

It’s there in the hours you sit and compile. 

It shouts at you, calling out to you every single day. 

It’s what you wish you could be doing but can’t let the words out to say.

It’s what you do when you think that no one is watching but it’s what you wish that someone was spotting.

A talent inside you; to carry you forth to enable you and your family to have what you cannot afford - time. 

Time to spend together, a thousand moments of calm. Hours sitting side by side - watching the dawn. A first step, a first word, riding that first bike - you have a fire deep inside you - it’s your secret to life. 

Now is the time.

To let yourself flow. 

Let your sides open up.

Let your magma show. 

There won’t be a better time

to break or to crack

the walls that have tied you; 

held your inner self back. 

And when you allow yourself to breathe and to open YOU out. 

We’ll be there with you, to smile with you, to laugh and to shout. 

For yours is a voice that deserves to be heard and yours is a smile to be shared with the world. 

Go let your fire out. 

Some explanation 

You know what you’d like to be doing. 

I believe you are brave enough to say even if you have the fear that might not find a way. 

It’s there waiting for you. 

You have friends who can help. 

Let them in. 

Tell the world who you crave to be. 

It’s been long enough that you’ve doused your own flames. 

Let go of the chain; let go of the chain. 

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