Hey there!
I'm Steen - a Game, Tool, and Web developer.
I code whatever is fun or improve whatever isn't fun yet.
Whenever possible, I work under a Open Source License and provide the code on my GitHub - you are free and welcome to collaborate at any time with any size of contribution :D
Everything I do happens in my free time - with some support I will be able to afford more free time for fun, silly and also helpful projects.
My current project is a physics based dice roller for DnD, Warhammer 40k, or whatever tabletop game you like. The focus is high usability and practicality while also being fun and satisfying to use.
You can try it here: https://qubus0.github.io/diceRoller/
And check the source here:
Game-specific features like adding modifiers to rolls and only counting dice rolls over a specific value are planned and will come faster the more time I have.
If you have more ideas (and a Github account), you can open an issue for them here: GitHub issues or you can leave me a message right here on BMaC and I will consider them.
Other smaller projects include
- a helper tool to make creating equipment sprites for Terraria (mods or texture packs) easier https://peanutcultist.itch.io/tspritepreviewer,
- a plugin for the Godot game engine (4.0) to preview colours from code in the side bar https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1252, and
- a silly little plugin for Godot that enables the editor to do a barrel roll (or to do a flip!) https://peanutcultist.itch.io/do-a-barrel-roll
Thank you for any kind of support - monetary or just spreading the word about the stuff I do and make - it all helps :)
Recent supporters

Ari bought 8 coffees.
Thanks for tSpritePreviewer!