Leicester City makes a statement regardi ...

Leicester City makes a statement regarding ridicule over owner's helicopter accident death

Jan 14, 2024

 Leicester City released a statement regarding the shocking incident that occurred during the Millwall match.

Leicester City said on its official website on the 13th (Korean time), “The club is disappointed by the rude behavior of a small number of supporters. It made fun of a tragic event that had a profound impact on our club and community. “Such behavior contrasts with the values ​​of respect and unity that football should embody,” the statement said.

“We condemn these actions and are grateful to Coventry City and the football community for joining us in bringing this incident to the attention of the relevant authorities. “We will work with all parties to identify and respond appropriately to those involved.”

The incident occurred on the 12th (Korean time). Leicester faced Coventry City in the 27th round of the English Championship in the 2023/24 season. During this game, a photo of an exploding helicopter was hung in the stands.

A similar incident occurred on the 6th (Korean time). It occurred during the match between Leicester and Millwall in the third round of the 2023/24 English FA Cup held at The Den in London, England. At that time, Leicester won 3-2.

After the game, a shocking video spread on social media. According to the British media 'Daily Mail', three Millwall fans in the video re-enacted the fall by spinning something with their fingers. They repeated similar actions using their hands.

This action was a mockery of the death of former Leicester team leader Bachai Srivaddhanaprabha. Bachai owned the team when Leicester won the miraculous English Premier League title in the 2015/16 season. He is famous as a person who left a mark in the club's history.

Bachai, the team's owner, passed away in a tragic helicopter crash in 2018. It was a terrible accident in which five people, including the Bachai team owner and the pilot, died. After the accident became known, the entire Leicester team was shocked. Goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel even shed tears.

Leicester held a memorial event before the game after owner Bachai became a star in the sky. The team also held a ceremony to honor owner Bachai after scoring.

It is one of the most painful memories in Leicester's history. However, a small number of fans made this an object of ridicule. Coventry fans made a banner with a photo of the accident, and in the video, Millwall fans mocked Leicester fans by making a gesture of a helicopter crashing.

Fortunately, Coventry club quickly removed the banner and are working with local police to identify those who displayed it. Millwall fans were immediately kicked out of the stadium.

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