Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Feb 15, 2023

A massive thank you to everyone who has shown their support so far for our new traveling girl, Siouxsie.

I am on the planning stage - I’ve decided on getting a Sustainable Suri as a base doll. She will be my first Goodsmile custom.

I love her skin tone and her hair color and as soon as a saw her, I fell in love.

I’ve also taken names of possible hosts and looking at the logistics on how to include everyone who has requested, it will be tricky but I will try my best. I will also be relying on awesome dolly friends who are willing to take her physically to places rather than mailing her, so that’s quite a task!!

If we can get Siouxsie to as many places as we can, that will be amazing! So please spread the word and share her IG and info within your circle of dolly friends!

💋 Ayin Bild

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