It's time to talk about spirituality

It's time to talk about spirituality

Jun 13, 2021

It's time to talk about spirituality. The world seems to be turning upside down. The number of people with depression increases, including suicides among children, feelings of loneliness, abandonment and lack of hope, the lack of a greater meaning in life. Only through the practice of good, empathy, solidarity, sharing good news that raise people's morale and hope, holding hands, spreading the importance of love in each one's life and among all, can we revert this painting. It will take time, but it will be very worth it. We have the opportunity to create a better world to live in through simple but profound attitudes. A tender hug, a word of love, help without seeking feedback, greater tolerance and understanding with people, learning to listen, being truly humble, knowing how to share what you have so that everyone has at least a little, not being ashamed to say I love you, talk naturally about spirituality because after all we are spiritual beings living a carnal experience, eliminate from the heart the feelings of hatred, rancor, revenge, selfishness, unmeasured ambition, pride, which do us so much harm.

Whether we like it or not, we are all connected and when someone feels or practices a negative attitude, it affects everyone. We are all One in the Universe.

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