How it started - have you felt this in y ...

How it started - have you felt this in your life?

Jan 10, 2024


In childhood and through my upbringing, I genuinely liked people (I still do). So it made sense at a young age that if God is Love, then loving others must be a solid approach to life. I assumed that this is what all people are at least trying to do while we figure out the rest of life.

(I thought loving was the default approach to all situations.)

As I moved into adulthood, I was in the military, college, worked in corporate America, and experienced marriage with its (undercooked) buffet of relational situations. But, as I reached age 30, even living with Love as the priority, the results I got were not what I expected.

In short, Love wasn't working.

(I started to wonder if I was missing something, but wasn't sure where to look.)

This struggle (of believing in Love but not experiencing all that God said Love could be and do) went on for several more years, into my mid-thirties alongside even more confusing heartaches.

I continued to look for answers to my best-guess questions, but was not finding anything that could tip the scales toward balance and peace in my life.

(I knew a vital piece of understanding was missing, and I had to find it, soon.)


In 2018, a text from a trusted friend (thank you Dwayne Stevens) said, "You should check this out." - I heard a perspective I had not heard nor considered before about God and Jesus. I knew the Bible well and was privileged to have been raised by a father that encouraged self-study, along with countless hours of discussion with him to capture the pearls of his own pursuit of Truth. I shared with him one day what I had learned that changed my Christian walk:

...that Christ had fulfilled everything, and that God is now all-in-all.

The first exposure to this for him (as it was for me) was fascinating. His arguments were my initial arguments as well, and we discussed this in the context of scripture for the next several months. He shared the change that happened within him as he realized the implications and continued looking to scripture to disprove it, but finding it only verified, recalling old scriptures with new insight and meaning and depth.

(Realize how powerful it is to have a feeling for so long that something is off/not adding up, and not locating this phantom item no matter how hard you look, not knowing what you're looking for, and it's housed somewhere within your most treasured belief system of values. But the instant it surfaces, you KNOW it's what you were missing. To find what you could only feel is mining a genuine Truth-diamond.)


The former idea of "Heaven" morphed into the reality that Heaven was never a place as we often perceive it. Zion, the still waters God leads us to, the "no more tears" of Revelation - they all point to the same thing; God's presence. And this was his plan all along.

(Now it feels that nothing is missing, that everything is as it should be. All promises kept.)

Dad began Spirit Hill Bible Institute around 2017, focusing on his proud mission of "Helping people hear God for themselves". Today, my father gives the gift of his presence through his son, just as your Father gives the gift of His Presence through His Son.

As you experience the Spirit Hill Bible Institute messages here, this community, this reality of infinite worth, intentional value, and self-proving Truths, begin by giving yourself permission to accept that God created you, and that His gift to you, because of His Love, is Himself.


In the coming posts, you will hear Truths from scripture to think on, affirmations to reinforce your soul, examine resources for you to ponder, and be given intentional reminders of the reality that every person under the sun, including you, lives with God residing in you from your first breath. I chose to house this community here to get away from the big social media filters and bring us to our own small space of restful sharing.

If you enjoy this food for the soul, consider giving. The greatest impact that giving makes is toward time to write and produce more content of Rest and Freedom that you can use today.

This is one of the few places you can finally find the Love and relief you've needed all along from The Best God You've Ever Had.

You deserve it, and are worthy of it all.

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