I've set a goal for donations, this isn't to be greedy, in fact there are many benefits for both myself and my followers and readers. Let me explain. For roughly $100 I can upgrade my blog account at This upgrade includes many features, most notably is that it removes all Wordpress advertising. Yes, you read that right, no more ads. Cool, right? Obviously, I can add my own ads, but ...
Setting Goals and What They're For
Mar 01, 2022
273 Aufrufe
I love blogging. I've been doing it for almost 20 years now (with varying results). However, (with the help of Wordpress) I've consistently been blogging since 2015 (I did have a hiccup 2019-2020, but didn't everyone hiccup then?). I've even branched out to other blogs, and now have been able to (mostly)keep up with them too. I'm even getting back into writing books again (I've got plans, watch th...
Why you're now seeing "Buy Me a Coffee" buttons on my blogs
Feb 19, 2022
143 Aufrufe