Setting Goals and What They're For

Setting Goals and What They're For

Mar 01, 2022

I've set a goal for donations, this isn't to be greedy, in fact there are many benefits for both myself and my followers and readers.

Let me explain.

For roughly $100 I can upgrade my blog account at This upgrade includes many features, most notably is that it removes all Wordpress advertising. Yes, you read that right, no more ads. Cool, right? Obviously, I can add my own ads, but as I don't really do that and have never done that, I can confirm that there would be no ads at all on my blog.

There are other features with a paid for blog, most of which include design options, which I am willing to take on suggestions for better usability and reading. If there's anything you'd like to see here please leave me some suggestions.

The rest of the options are for subscriptions and payments, which I have no plans to implement at the moment, but if they add to the experience than it might be an option in the future (again subject to suggestions and what you all would like to see).

If the goal is surpassed, there are more upgrade options through Wordpress, some of those options include Google Analytics and Social Media perks.

This would currently only affect my book blog, which I have upgraded in the past, but is currently not in effect due to current circumstances.

So if you would like to Buy Me a Coffee or two this is where the current donations are headed, please give it a good think!

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