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Update V2.0 for Genshin/Sky music nightl ...

Update V2.0 for Genshin/Sky music nightly

Nov 28, 2021

Hey y'all, i just published a new update, the biggest one so far that adds many new features, also fixes previously known bugs and issues.


- Added Approaching cirlces mode, a new way to learn a song, or a way to challange yourself. You can find it in the main page, next to the practice button
- Rewrite of the main page to increase overall performance
- Added changelog page
- Added audio recording feature in main page and composer
- Added tabs autoplay (composer) on pc as a setting
- Added note animations when pressing the note
- Added possibility to change background image from URL
- Updated info page
- In the composer you can now press shift + note name to add a note
- In the composer you can press up/down keys to change layer
- While in the composer on PC, you can now add new notes by simply pressing the PC keyboard while in "playing" mode
- Bug fixes and other improvements

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