The role of silence

The role of silence

Feb 12, 2023

The role of silence

One of the most valuable things in life is silence. The levels and numbers of sounds are constantly on the increase. There is excellent scientific evidence to show that meditation in an environment of silence leads to people being psychologically happier and physically healthier. As our conscious mind gets distracted by external noises we may fail to notice our internal messages (or intuitions). By consciously seeking silence we open ourselves up to our intuitions.

Time out and silence

Many people find it very difficult to deal with silence. Even sitting in silence for a couple of minutes is a challenge. The constant noise and running commentary of thoughts means that feelings and intuitions get blocked out.

So, be willing to take a pause of a few seconds when having conversations or making decisions. Aim to notice your hunches in the silence.

Each day identify times when there may be silence and resist the temptation to ‘fill the gap’ with music, radio, television or idle conversation. Instead, allow yourself to notice any intuitions you may be having.

Silent minutes

Try taking 3–5 minutes at the start and end of each day. Notice your thoughts and how you feel. Then go a little further and notice your gut feelings and intuitions. Make a written note of what you experience.

Reference: Managing yourself  

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