About Sarwech Shar

I'm passionate about space and our future in this solar system!
My name's Sarwech and I've been building Space Bandits, a community for space enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.The goal is to show everyone the incredible opportunities in space! On the site, I share updates on space startups and interviews with their founders. On Instagram @space.bandits, I share interesting visuals and concepts showing the past, present and future of space exploration.
About me: I don't actually work in the space sector or even have a space related degree, oh and I'm also based in London (hardly known for space).
So if I can somehow barge my way into the sector (like a bandit), so can you ;)
Recent supporters

boldnarratives bought 3 coffees.
Hey, great job on the list. I am a communications consultant and have worked with the space industry for many years. Is there any way to get your list in an Excel file? or Table?
Thanks so much! Yes, I can send you an CSV with the list. I’m away this week so I’ll send it when I’m back next week.

Thank you so much. Let me know if I can be of any further help to you in your endeavors. I also serve on the Board of Explore Mars www.exploremars.org. My email is rjphillips@boldnarratives.com

Matyas Lustig bought a coffee.