Doing the Work

Dec 29, 2021

This past week was the height of the Holiday Season for most of us in the western world. A time of joy and excitement for some, isolation and anger for others, and everything in between for the rest of us.

Just like I used to every year when i was young, this year for Christmas I got sick, really sick, with bronchitis. I couldnt eat, I couldnt sleep, I couldnt stop coughing. What I did do though was see an ovious obstacle, for the not so obvious opportunity that it really was.
I chose to use this time to put my skills to the test... and to put my energies to work on me.

You see I help people in all areas of their lives be it their mental, physical, spiritual or emotional selves. However, truth be told, I more than often forget to focus on myself. So I took this down time to do just that.

I decided to study a few things that I had been hoping to learn, I began to hone my meditation skills, both for my personal gain and growth as well as for my clients. (the more we practice something the easier and more effeciently we can teach it to others.) I also started doing some serious deep inner child and shadow work.
This time of year is always hard for me & being sick made it that much worse. But rather than being down, or angry or upset, I decided to doubled down on me by focusing on my health & my purpose.
I upgraded my extras here, had some meetings about my newly developed podcast
(Rise of the Dragons with Rebecca Short), I also worked on my online store, cleaned and unpacked my art studio (even if it was six months later), and developed a few new things for my home based holistic health practice that I am re-establishing ( when not online serving my digital clients I am a massage therapist certified herbalist, thai yoga massage practitioner and a Reiki Master Teacher of 20 years.)

When we feel down, its not easy to get out of that funk. Anger, Saddness, Loneliness, Frustration...they are all powerful & addictive emotional responses. But if we change our perspective just a bit, and see them as opportunities to learn and grow, then the possibilites of our own evolution become LIMITLESS. Give yourself the time and effort that you Deserve. And if you need a little help in that realm... thats what im here for. dont hesitate to reach out! <3 ;)

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