Soullana Art
10 sostenitori


Aug 23, 2022

In the first part we covered the importance of the correct mindset and how to rewrite negative belief systems into positive once that will help us move forward on our journey.

In this part we will get clear on what we truly want and put it all out into the universe.

The first step to becoming a successful thriving artist is to ASK FOR IT.

Universe/God/source or whatever else you want to call it, always supports us on our journey, sometimes it gives us challenges to help us level up and other times it responds to our aligned actions and showers us with ideas, creativity, energy and opportunities.

None of the above can happen if we don’t ask for it and don’t move with aligned actions.

The main right now is to write your vision down. Take your time to really feel into what feels aligned and true to you.

Zoom out on your life and start thinking about where you’re currently headed and where you would ultimately like to be.

Before I dive into what questions you can ask yourself to discover what you really want, i want to give you a friendly reminder.

“Don’t talk yourself out of being successful”

What I mean by that is, we sometimes sabotage ourselves by minimizing our needs and wants like they are something to be ashamed about.

Remember we worked on our mindset in the previous chapter and id like to add here, that is also important of re framing your self worth. You are worthy of wealth and prosperity on every level, it is your birth right to unlimited abundance. Don’t let shame and fear stop you from dreaming big and allowing yourself to fully enjoy the earthly material pleasures.

ok, now lets get to the how...

Take a piece of paper and a pen and lead your mind thinking about how your perfect life would look like. How would your house be? would you have an art studio? How would you decorate it? How would your perfect days look like? Who would you hang out with? How would you dress? Imagine it all in your mind and write it down on paper. You can add to that a Pinterest board that will visually help you see the vision you have for yourself.

I would also like you to keep in mind that none of this has to be set in stone. Your vision and desires will change over time and that’s OK, just write a new one. This exercise is also not for you to figure out how you’ll manifest it, this is about you getting clear on your vision for yourself. Now, get to work and ask yourself:

“What do I want from my life?”

Continue to this section after getting clear on the vision for yourself.

Now that you know what your BIG vision is (and don’t forget you can change this at any moment if it doesn’t feel aligned any more) let’s set some minor or smaller goals and intentions.

Let’s look at some examples on how to do it.

Lets say your big vision for yourself is to have your own studio from which you are creating all the art that fills your soul and moth after moth your art provides more than enough for you to be able to live an abundant life in every aspect. Your business is thriving of an amazing community full of fans, collectors supporters and other phenomenal people.

Now let’s set smaller intentions that are aligned with our big vision.

Here are some examples:

“My intention to live in my own beautiful home where i also have a wonderful studio with lots of natural light.”

“My intention is to build a thriving community full of like minded, spiritually and self aware people.”

“My intention is to serve a community of up and coming artist, that are looking for a place to grow and expand themselves and their business.”

“My intention is to regularly make 10K+ months”

“My intention is to full enjoy my life and journey every step of the way.”

“My intention is to blow my own mind”

Now it’s time to write down yours.

If we live intentionally, we put our wishes into the universe, we choose our path and we are willing to put in aligned action, the universe will give us guidance, lessons and opportunities to be able to fulfil our intentions.

I hope you find this helpful and do it for yourself. Let me know in the comments of how you get along or join our discord "Magic club for artists" so we can discuss more on this topic.

Click the link to join:

Lot of love


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