Grace Kelly Illustration Process

Grace Kelly Illustration Process

Feb 04, 2023

As promised, here's an exclusive clip of the step by step process making this frame study. The link is only available to people who get this link (at least that's what I expect from YT) so feel free to gloat in your unique privileges of being my supporters. I will set it on public in a few days.

I will add some additional images below in case you like it so much, you want to zoom. :D

I am ok with the outcome, but the colors while working on it/on my laptop were richer and more nuanced than how it looks on a phone, at least on mine. Oh well... #calibramiasmonitorul

I made a black and white version just to check the contrast so I'll add it here.

The future ones are only black and white studies because it is a much needed exercise. Painting in color has messed with my tone scale and workflow a tad too much, so back to basics. :D

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