Hey 👋!
I'm Andy Feliciotti and I write travel guides, developer WordPress plugins, and create useful web apps.
Photography & Travel
I share travel guides and photography tips on my travel blog.
I create WordPress tips and tutorials on SmartWP. Additionally manage WordPress plugins: Lightweight Accordion, MightyShare, WP Anti-Clickjack, and others.
Web Apps
Some popular useful web apps I create include: AwesomeStuffToBuy, RightBlogger, ColorKit, OnlineExifViewer, WordFinderPro, TitleCapitalize, ColorPaletteFromImage, SunriseSunset.io, BayBridgeStatus, CodeToImage, SocialMediaSharePreview, CrushImage, MetaPreviewTool, untrack.link and ThisCampsiteDoesNotExist.
Recent supporters

Kevin Simpson bought 5 coffees.
Thanks this is helpful

Heather bought a coffee.
I wish I had discovered this sooner! Thanks for making my job easier.

Mollie Nygaard became a monthly supporter.
No more keeping track of hex codes on my workspaces so I can ensure my collections are cohesive! Thank you, Andy! This site and tools are a designers dream. You've made many steps in the design process quicker and easier than ever. You rock!

Caroline Bowen bought 2 coffees.
Y'know, I've been using your gradient generator for a few years now, and only recently while working on my current art project did it finally dawn on me to add it to my bookmarks bar so every time I need to do computer color stuff, I don't have to sit there clicking through the same Google results like "wait, which color gradient generator was my favorite again?!"... and then I JUST finally noticed "oh, cool, I can make a little profile so I can just start saving all my gradients instead of having to write down hex codes in my sketchbook to type in every time I need to re-reference or tweak something! Heck yeah!"... and then I ALSO just now noticed the little buy me coffee link at the bottom and was like "wait, this is just one random dude who made this? Dang, his stuff slaps, it's such a sexy and easy to use interface I'd thought it was a whole little company that made it or something, I should throw some money at him!" lol. But for real! I'm a sculptor specializing in math and physics visualizations (hypotenusestudios.com, @eigenstuff on insta) and I ABSOLUTELY consider color to be the hardest part of my work, more than all the calculus and coding and precision fit stuff, because it's sooooo much carefully mixing alcohol ink with a drug scale then meticulously swatching and recording the formulas or hours standing in Michaels staring at colored cardstock until I go cross eyed, so color work on a computer is EASY MODE in comparison to me (cuz all you gotta do to change a color is click something and it costs $0 to do it!), and I so, SO appreciate you not only making color work easy mode even EASIER, but also just making it a very pleasant experience and a delight! LOVE IT! Cuz, boy, I tell you what, I've used some UUUUUGLY online color gradient generators in my days! Keep it up!