Snoka Shortcode for CanadaHelps

Snoka Shortcode for CanadaHelps

Feb 03, 2023

We are excited to announce the addition of the Snoka Shortcode for CanadaHelps by Snoka Media to the WordPress directory. This powerful plugin allows you to easily add a CanadaHelps donation form to your site with just a few simple steps.

With its support for URL parameters and automatic language selection, accepting donations from your site visitors has never been easier. Key features of the plugin include:

  • The ability to embed a form on your WordPress site using the [chform] shortcode.

  • The option to set the language of the form to either English (‘en’) or French (‘fr’).

  • Customization of the form’s height and maximum width.

  • Displaying the form in a modal window or as a regular embedded form.

  • Pre-filling the form with a donation amount and frequency using URL parameters.

  • Setting the speed of the open/close animation.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and make it easier for your site visitors to donate to your cause through CanadaHelps. Download the Snoka Shortcode for CanadaHelps by Snoka Media now!

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