
Sep 30, 2021

Fourth character in my Warcall team (how nice to take a week off from other people's projects! ❤)

Johanne Lazulis, 23 years old, comes from an enclave of Mondravian Knights in Rindell, which she had never left before.

Daughter of the commander of the Knights and of noble origin, she obtained permission from her father to train to become a knight herself, driven by her great and sincere faith in Jalaum, the god of justice (and by her desire to protect her mother, a foreigner of humble extraction, from the hostile attitude of the other inhabitants of the enclave).

He leaves his country for the first time to accompany his friend Myrwyr (a very young phelinid) to the capital of Forbilea, Saubhya, to fulfil his wish to be admitted to the academy of wizards.

Unfortunately, she soon realises that, even though her father had allowed her to train in the use of weapons, he had not prepared her for a world very different from the one described in the ballads and legends.

She comes across a group of adventurers who help her and her friend as they try to gain permission to enter the city of wizards by providing an enchanter with a rare reagent.

These are quite different from what she expected, mercenaries, not heroes.

She joins them, having realised that she is unable to deal with the corrupt creatures who inhabit the lands above the mythical flying city of Saubhya on her own. Thanks to them she manages to gain access to the city and entrust her friend Myrwyr to a family of wizards who promise to do their best to provide for his education (unfortunately the young phelinid is not at all up to the standards of the academy).

Soon Johanne discovers that there is much worse in the world than wolves and bandits, finding herself involved in the hunt for a pair of demi lich and a demon.

She becomes painfully aware of her own inadequacy and arrogance and finds herself on the verge of giving up her title and returning home to resign herself to an arranged marriage.

The encouragement of her new companions and her unlikely friendship with Kelensahe (otherwise honest, bookish, a liar but also flawed) help her to overcome the difficult moment even if not to abandon all her new insecurities.

She is also involved (forced) to take part in the theatrical activity organised by Kelensahe, as soon as she discovers her excellent singing ability (no, what are you saying? It has nothing to do with the fact that she is a beautiful girl and that the shows are mostly held in taverns full of guys who haven't seen women for a while!), which at the same time fills her with an unexpected joy but also with a great insecurity.

Her total ignorance of the world often leads her into arguments with her companions (especially Kelensahe and the former bandit Jawar), which usually see her defeated. Apparently her moral convictions are based on illusions and naivety.

Her military training, however, is impeccable and in the event of combat she is exactly the person you want protecting your flank.

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