Let God do something remarkable in your ...

Let God do something remarkable in your life!

Aug 04, 2021

Proverbs 3:5

   Trust in the LORD with all your heart,         and  lean not to your own understanding.

Have you ever asked our Mighty God to do something great in your life? Perhaps, yes.

People get distracted so easily over simple things. The word ‘trust’ gets broken easily. In Proverbs 3:5, it is written, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding.” 

Maybe the main reason why some of us couldn’t see the grace of God is that our eyes focus on the shallow things on earth. We put our trust in the wrong person, we put our trust in temporary things, etc. We sometimes forgot to TRUST the ONE who has wonderful plans in our lives.

We lean on our OWN understanding. Let us admit this; sometimes we lose our way because of our own fault. Our Lord wants us to not lean on our OWN understanding. God knows what’s best for us.  

So if you’re in a  hard situation right now. It’s okay to stop, then let God do His big part in your life. Trust Him and be willing to follow His will. No one knows what God can do in someone’s life. But one thing is sure, God will never us!   


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