SL63x Compressor

SL63x Compressor

Dec 30, 2020


Influenced by the one of the simplest compressors known to man, the SL63x provides quick compression with only a slide of a fader.  Since the compression is program dependent, we added a Input knob for gain staging the audio level into the compressor, which in turn effects how the compressors works.

I have a rack of these compressors and they are great for everything. I generally use them on bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and background vocals.

What people are saying about the SL63x

  • Featured on "The top FREE plug-in in 2019" by SpectreSoundStudios

  • Featured on for 15+ Freeware Alternatives to Premium Plugins

  • Glen Frickler: "I got a pair of dbx160s here in my rack and this guy reminds me of them!"

Download Link:

Windows 64-bit VST

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1 Kommentar
Aug 17, 2021
As it's not hard to guess from seeing only three controls, SL63x is very easy to use. Yet it has it's own character and still offers a lot of flexibility. I love these types of plugins, where limited controls require different approach from the user. It either works or it doesn't. If it's the latter, SmackLabs has two more compressors to select from :) SL63x doesn't give user the option to spend 5 minutes fine-tuning different settings. Just set it and move on to another track. Superb addition to anyone's VST collection. Thank you. 

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