Day7: #100DaysofInfoSec - Basic Linux Co ...

Day7: #100DaysofInfoSec - Basic Linux Commands

Sep 17, 2021

I decided to learn and practice some very well-known and Basic Linux Commands.


Basic Linux Commands

·      sudo: super user do-allows you to run commands at an elevated privilege

·      pwd: shows what directory you are in

·      man pwd: shows information about pwd command

·      cd: change directory

·      cd..: moves back a directory

·      cd ~: move back to original directory

·      ls: list all the files in directory

·      ls la: list long format including hidden files

·      mkdir: to make new directory

·      rmdir: to remove directory

·      mv: move file/folder

·      rm: remove file in directory

·      passwd: change the user account passwords

·      chmod: change permissions

·      cat: print content of a file

·      cp: copy file/folder to current directory

·      adduser: add user

·      su: switch user

·      locate filename: locate a file


Navigating the File System

Im going to navigate through the file system with some of the basic commands

First things first, let’s find out where are in the terminal.


pwd-print working directory


Type “pwd” and hit enter and the output will tell you what folder you are in

Now you want to know how to get out of the root folder


cd-change directory


If you want to change directory backwards you will

Type “cd ..”


Now check to see where are you 


Type “pwd”

You should see / which is just a home folder a generic slash. You cant go any further that this. This is your base folder. This is the lowest you can go.


Now lets try going foward

We really don’t know whats in our directory so we want to look around. Lets be nosy and see what we can find.


ls-list everything in the folder

Type in “ls”

You will notice all of the folders. You will see the colors and the color coordination is for permissions


Now, let’s back into root.

I will let you in on trick I just learned. If you type “cd ro” you can hit tab and it will auto-complete the word for you

A screenshot of a computer

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Now once you are root you can ls to see what folders are in root

If you want to jump back to see a file you can use cd /filename/-example cd /etc/ now you can double tab to display whats inside

If you want to navigate and open the folder use ls /filename/ example ls /etc/ now you can see everything that’s inside the folder

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~: home folder or quickly access a folder


You want to make your own folder

mkdir: make directory


I made a test file and I checked to see if the directory was there

Now I want to remove the test file and check to make sure I removed the file

rmdir: remove directory

A screenshot of a computer

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ls -la: look for hidden files


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Before you didn’t see the .cache file but now you can. I can also look inside to see if there are any files. So be aware that just because its looks like something isn’t there doesn’t mean its not there. It just might be hidden

A screenshot of a computer

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updated db-update database-you want to use this frequently


make sure you change the password when you first sign up for Kali Linux

passwd-ask for a new password

man-instructions for any command that you are running

         Example: man ls

You can scroll and see the information about ls

ls –help : will also provide some help


Users and Privileges

Let’s enter “ls -la” in the terminal to look at permissions

look at the first line and you see – that means it’s a file

if you see a d it’s a directory 

rwx-read write execute. It’s the permission settings that this particular group has

you should see 3 groups( See the screenshot above the dash(–) separates the groups)

first group is the owner of the file

next set of group is the permission for the group that own the file-group ownership

last-all the users


This comes into play when you start penetration testing because we are looking to have full access, so we are looking for the full read write execute. If we try to upload like some type of exploit you want to upload it in a folder where you have full read write execute permissions. Other reasons can be so you can modify files so you can change the user and give you root access to a system. It’s all about insecure configurations.

If you create a script you cant run it unless you have full access.

So you want to change access.

Ok let me show you!


chmod-change mode

So you could use “chmod +rwx “filename” ” or you can use “chmod 777 “filename” ” then the file will turn green which means FULL ACCESS!

777-gives you full access across the board

green-is full read write execute across the board


Now you want to add a user


adduser jane

then enter in new password


cat /etc/passwd


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so you can check the new user- you should see it at the bottom


We will become very familiar with cat /etc/passwd because it shows us all the users. When we are doing penetration testing will have access to the cat /etc/passwd file because passwords are now in the shadow file (cat /etc/shadow- can use tools to break the hashes down in this file to get passwords) and with cat /etc/passwd we have some information and access information at the hands of poor configuration. If there is ssh on a machine, we could now use the user name if we wanted to try to break into a machine.


now let’s switch to the user Jane

“su Jane”

we were able to access Jane because we were root

root has access permission to do anything but Jane can’t switch back to root because Jane doesn’t know root password nor can she modify the password. Jane doesn’t have that type of access, but she could if she is in the sudoers file


Jane only has base permissions


Sodoers file can change permissions if they are a sudoe user.


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This is also big in penetration testing because you can look at the sodoers file if you have access to see what users have sudoers privileges.


This was fun! I learned a lot and I hope you did as well!

Make sure you go practice!

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