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The Wandering Pro Update

The Wandering Pro Update

Apr 25, 2024

Small Update

Over a year ago I started experimenting with mentoring style content.
I have had decent success with going freelance. And now solopreneur (ugh, still can't believe its a real word).
And I wanted to share everything I know.

A year later, 34 posts later, and 15k+ words of written content later.

It is quite clear that over a dozen verified individuals found everything I shared quite transformative.
So, in order to consolidate everything, I have moved all my mentoring efforts into my existing passion driven project - SK NEXUS.

Tech, Career, Podcast - all under one roof.

In famous words of Alex Hormozi:
Share the secrets, Sell the implementation
SK NEXUS is all about sharing the secrets behind the combined expertise of the team.

And now it can do a better job of delivering more value to you.

With mindset shift content here:

And Tools and Resources to help you succeed here:

As always, feel free to share any feedback.

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