How it’s going?

How it’s going?

May 11, 2022

At this stage of the war, I feel "comfortable", if it possible to say like this.

 I live in a family house (30 km from Kyiv), which was broken&robbed, and now it is always “open” because there is no glass on the back, front door, and replacement is not yet cost-effective. Feelings through it’s not safe are only at night, but every day it’s gone step-by-step

 I have electricity!  I would never have thought that I would be so happy about it, but to be able to quickly cook, take shower, charge the phone and have a comfortable toilet like a normal person is priceless :)

 Now I can live comfortably, but there are a couple of "buts"

 1. Father will be sent to the front line this week, which gives rise to a lot of negative emotions in me, hope he will be lucky enough

 2. Uncle is also in the army, but he still has a month of preparation before will be also sending to the front line

 3. The mood is very changeable, from laughter to depression through anxiety, your support here is simply amazing, thanks for the many video calls with my friends

 4. As before, there is no work and cannot be now, since I can only be here, and I am not yet ready for non bartending remote work.  On the one side, it’s a question where I will search for the funds for I can buy food and cover basic needs (special thanks for your donations here), on the other side, it makes it possible to continue the reconstruction of the OTB studio in the garage, something that I had long planned and worked on from December to  February

 Everything has its own + & -, but at this stage, I will say it is trite, but still - there is nothing worse than war, God save any of you know what it is.

 P.S.  Writing (speaking) is actually very difficult, I’m feeling a storm of emotions every day, and they are more negative, psychologically everything is much more complicated than it seems, so I apologize for the "silence"

Hug all of you for the support 

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