Are you a good programmer?

Are you a good programmer?

Feb 24, 2023

This question isn’t something anyone can answer with an explicit answer.
It’s something wide that includes physical and mental abilities.

Chractaristics for example:

  • IQ

  • Personality

  • Experience

  • Knowledge

  • Social interactions

  • Adaptation

A good analogy would be to an RPG game.
As you level up and learn you get skill points which you can invest in certain abilities.
Most RPG games also include a “role” - Healer, Tank, Damage dealer, etc…
In real life you also get a “role” or a “Specialty”.
But instead of dealing damage, you usually have a title:

  • Automation Engineer

  • Cyber Security Specialist

  • Team Manager

  • Project Manager

Because of the different variety of abilities I’ll rephrase the question to:

“Is this particular developer a good choice for my team or purpose”

This approach is more goal-oriented and less driven by absolute values.
First set your goals then achieve them.

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