Wishes and Orchid

Wishes and Orchid

Apr 05, 2024

Hello again! It has been much longer since my last post than I had intended, and given the lack of monthly reports (as mentioned on the Home page) it's fair to say that I have not made the progress I believed was possible earlier in this year.

I am sorry about that, and can explain what has happened over the past six months; but I won't ask you to spend your time reading about that right now. Instead, let's get to the good news; updates and progress!

This page now has a wishlist, containing the current set of purchases that would immediately benefit my work. With this feature you can now choose to contribute to a specific cost, as well as learn more about them via the plain-text links in the description.

As a result of introducing the wishlist, I have stopped using the goals widget. The former is much better integrated into the page and reflects the Funding page.

Throughout the rest of the page details have been edits as a result of the big change; Today I Learned is now TIL and can be found at a new domain: til.tips. These edits include both the name and links to the site.

This big change is part of an ongoing set of upgrades to the entirety of TIL, collected under the name Orchid. You can read all of the details about part 1 of Orchid in the announcement, which includes updates to parts of the site related to this page.

Having finally made good progress on my long-planned changes to TIL, I am now looking forward to publishing the Supporters Report for the first time. That will include providing details about the circumstances which lead to a delay in activity, as well as how the support I have received here on Buy Me a Coffee contributed to this return and the imminent full return of TIL altogether.

Now it's time for me to get back to finishing part 1 of Orchid so that I can publish these announcements and then return to the whole point of all of this: making resources for Micro.blog.

Thank you so much for reading.

— Simon

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