Simon Woods
13 прихильники(ів)

Open again

Apr 05, 2024

This page is active once more! I have learned that moving to Memberful was not the right decision and feel good to depend on Buy Me A Coffee as a reliable donations host for the foreseeable future.

Buy Me A Coffee makes much more sense in a lot of different ways and so I am now updating the different parts of the page; this includes thinking of ways to pair it with the project, if that is possible at all.

Lately, as well as reactivating this page, I have also established a profile with the excellent platform, have begun to use the accompanying Statuslog feature for tracking granular updates to TIL that do not suit the site itself, and have opted to use the feature for that makes it possible to follow TIL from Mastodon. There is much more on the way, and I look forward to sharing more about the upcoming updates.

I'd like to thank all previous supporters again. Your generosity made it possible for my family to substantially improve our lives, and even to this point gave me a chance to work with greater thought and genuine effort on TIL as a more effective guide for using

If I ever get the opportunity to further show my gratitude, I will take that chance without hesitation. In the meantime, I hope you can all understand just how much this has meant to me.

To get in contact you can send me an email or, if you're an existing Supporter you can send me a message here on Buy Me a Coffee.

Many thanks for reading.

— Simon

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