Reading for 2 May 24: use Rutilated Quar ...

Reading for 2 May 24: use Rutilated Quartz

May 02, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless

Reading for 2 May 24:
Rutilated Quartz

Since the energy is so erratic and we are in for some surprise this month, I was asking my Crystals what would be a good stone to help us trough these times.

I was very surprised when I got Rutilated Quartz, it’s not a stone that I use often, but when I was studying it, it all makes sense.

Rutilated Quartz is a very effective integrator of energy. RQ is an effective healer and it heightens the energetic impulse of the Quartz, which is amplifying energies.

From a spiritual perspective, RQ has a perfect balance between cosmic light and and help in the process of spiritual growth and insights.

It also helps to clear the aura of negative influence and in general can be used to clean the aura.
You can put a Rutilated Quartz into a glass of water for 10 min and then drink it or use a spray bottle after your shower spray your aura with this water.

You can add other stones like rose quartz and amethyst which will give you and even more profound cleansing and healing.
It helps to break down barriers which hinder spiritual progress and draws off negative energy.

RQ is a stone that can be used for astral travel and channeling and help you to attract the most pure spiritual guidance.

It also can be used in sessions if you are a coach or teacher to help you to keep the energy field clear for your work. Especially if you work on emotional patterns with clients (or yourself), RQ is a great protection against dark attacks.

This might be a very important stone for this coming month! I also would encourage you to listen to the video from Kerry K where she talks about what we might have to expect this month.

It all makes so much sense, to be prepared that the dark ones are preparing for another fright and do all they can to keep us in darkness and fear, so they can “eat” our negative fear energy.

Katharina is a spiritual teacher since 4 decades, traveling the world and teaching. As an "old soul" her only goal is to help human beings to see beyond the material/persona limitations. She is retired and lives in Chiang Rai Thailand where she has started to grow her own food, planted a huge orchard of fruit and other trees.

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