Oracle Reading for 22nd of June 24: the ...

Oracle Reading for 22nd of June 24: the Swan

Jun 23, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless

Oracle Reading for 22nd of June 24:
the Swan

Today I was looking at the beautiful images of those Wisdom Cards and then felt that it would be good to ask a message from them about the time of today and what is happening.

You can see from the photo, that this deck is very old, I have no idea how long I have it already, but many, many years! They were companions for a long time.

You can read the text for yourself but I want to add a few things here:
We are in a situation of “death” and “rebirth”. It is so difficult to surrender and let go of the old. That comes up again and again in all the readings and meditations. We are so much programmed and live in a linear world, which is not even 3D, but if we follow the line, we are stuck on 2D. And this is what most people do: walking around in circles and often repeat the same patterns again and again.

We have lost the youthful innocence long time ago, when we lost connection to the Divine Matrix. The false matrix was “inserted” by trickery and disguised that this will make life better and the ones behind it seduced humans with power and glitter. And it is still the same pattern.

They are always showing themselves – or better their representatives – in roles of humanitarian organizations and tell the world that we need them to take care of us. In the beginning is was not so obvious, but now, every one who is just a little bit awake, can see it clearly that those organizations like WHO, WEF etc. are absolutely not helping people for a better life, but take away every thing from them.

The last couple generations are taught that they just have to go to see a MD when they don’t feel well, and he will take care of their illness and well being. Really? Is modern medicine really helping to improve life quality?

I experience that so many young adults (and older ones too) totally expect, like spoiled children who blame the parents or any body around them , if they are not happy. People have forgotten that they are the creators of their own life!

It is time to leave the one-way linear road, surrender to the whisper or our soul and find a quiet and peaceful place to meditate and let the old life die to be reborn in a new dimension!

Let us move forward on the path of maturity and learn to be response-able for our lives again. To realize that we have the Divine within us, it is the life force that is within this body and keeps it alive.

Let’s take loving care of it!

Katharina is a spiritual teacher since 4 decades, traveling the world and teaching. As an "old soul" her only goal is to help human beings to see beyond the material/persona limitations. She is retired and lives in Chiang Rai Thailand where she has started to grow her own food, planted a huge orchard of fruit and other trees.

Cards: Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards
The Susan Eleanor Boulet Trust

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