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Full Moon Reading 13 July 22

Full Moon Reading 13 July 22

Jul 13, 2022

SkyView Astrology : Full Moon Reading 13 July 22

Fasten your seat belts… turbulence expected

By Katharina Bless

The energies are very tense and with Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Aries it is very clear what is going on in the world. But we have to see beyond the illusion and look at what is really going on. The wake up process is at it’s peak now and we are at a point of no return.

This is a reading with the real star constellations, an accurate analyze of what is happening in the world right now.

I have posted it in both my channels at Brighteon

Here the reading on YouTube on my channel, just in case the YT is not happy with what I’m saying, it’s all backed up at Brighteon.

Here I post the consciousness table I referred to in my reading for your convenience.

For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology and my previous reading in my blog page:

A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution

You can follow my Silver Dove Network at Telegram: or you can reach me there: @KatharinaBless

Personal Readings with Katharina

My readings are very powerful tools to better understand life. SkyView Astrology is more accurate than any fortune telling. I also offer Dakini Oracle readings. For details go to:

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**SkyView Astrology (outer circle) works with the real star-constellations. Western/Tropical Astrology (inner circle) has nothing to do with the stars anymore and their 1˚ Aries is 28˚ apart from the true star constellations, the Vedic/Indian system is 6˚ degrees different.

SkyView Astrology does not tell you who you are, but shows the time quality and blueprint/road-map of one’s life. It also is no fortune telling tool and can’t predict the future since you have the innate ability to co-create your life within the curriculum you have chosen for this incarnation. Once you know how, you can change your life and time line.

The dates of the transition of the sun are based on the guidelines of IAU (International Astronomical Union).

Katharina Bless is Author of “SkyView Astrology – Applying the real Star Constellations to our Life’s Journey and Soul Evolution” and “Flower Healing Power” book one and two and “The Secret of the Abundance Box”. She lives in Chiang Rai, Thailand. If you are interested to have a personal reading or life coaching, you can contact me through my blog page or at Telegram.

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