Let's compare Traditional VS Digital art ...

Let's compare Traditional VS Digital art!

Aug 29, 2021

Heyy! ^v^

You know, I've been recently drawing many little sketches and doodles of characters on papers, cards and sketchbook and I have realised that most of my artsy stuff is still traditional based, although I've started drawing digitally quite alot. I sketch pretty much every day, be it a traditional or digital, as much as I have time in between Lyria World rule-writting and testing and GM related preparations for my players~ Everything is requiring alot of creative energy, ideas, inspiration and i sometimes catch myself in a much lack of time, trying to figure out how to get myself more free time. Although I'll write about that maybe later OvO
Today I wanted to share a little experiment of what I've recently done with my doodle just to bring up the topic that not many artist would agree with me on - traditional art is much more time consuming than the digital art. At least so it is to me, can't tell for everyone of course.
I've always been wondering why people choose digital art over traditional, since for a long time digital art would be so unnatural and complicated in terms of learning it from scratch! Like, what you would need for traditional art? A pen or a pencil and a paper or sketchbook, that's it! Now you just take it and start sketching out any idea that pops to your head.
But when i got to this digital art attempt, I'm no joking, I've tried several times, skipping a few years in between those trials, my brain just couldn't get to learn and understand all of the information that is coming along with the art itself. You've gotta learn all the functions of your graphic redactor, you've gotta try out different settings, different setups, different graphic redactors, tablets, ways of solving problems you may occur while you draw. All those layer functions still confuse me and I can't really understand how they work or should be working TvT
This can be kind of compared to trying out new medias in traditional arts too, like different types of paper, maybe pencil compared to paints, markers or liners or whatever is out there, but... I mean paper is paper, pen is pen, pencil is pencil, there's no other meaning in those, unlike tools in digital media. It took me awhile to realise that pencil has a several ''types'' in it, and that this applies to very much every tool on your redactor, which can be such different despite being under the same tool category! I wonder if i was the only one to be so confused with the UI? That could be due to lack of experience, as I've been doing traditional art for years and digital art I'm currently on for like.. 5 months? It may also be due to the confusion of my brain with the cheaper tablets, when you gotta look at your monitor rather than onto the actual place you are drawing on! >v<
As per reason that makes traditional art much more time consuming to me is that whenever you want to post your art, you've gotta either properly photograph it with a proper camera, making a composition for your photo, finding perfect time and weather for proper lighting, as well as angle of photo so it wouldn't look out of proportions, decorating the drawing environment and such... Or you've gotta scan them and edit them digitally, which is probably about same time consuming as the first option. When i start editing my scanned drawing, i just feel like redrawing it fully because i keep on finding some minor things that could be improved forever and i just can't stop editing untill it fully becomes from traditional to digital artwork! QvQ

I would love to hear some of your experience on this, if you are a traditional-digital artist too, what were your struggles annd how have you overcome them?

In conclusion, here is a little comparsion of the same drawing, drawn traditionally and scanned. I've edited it quite alot and the other one is without any editing at all. What do you think about it? Should traditional arts be edited in digital or just left as it is? Maybe some minor editing for saturation and that's all? Or should i use it as reference to create more improved art in digital media so it would look better on merch/social media?

Hope you're doing well, see you again soon!
Your night drawrrior,
Silva~ Ov<b

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