From the earliest I can recall I’ve always had an affinity to nature, an emotional connect with quiet mornings, the chirping of birds, the candid behaviour of animals when they don’t realise a human is watching, the clouds rolling over the hills, gushing streams - I can ramble on. My photos and videos are an effort to portray ‘that feeling’, you know, when you watch twilight in the jungle, the sense of isolation when you have a beach to yourself, the sound of a swift river over some rocks, the roar of a waterfall - they are all about telling ‘that’ story.
I keep my photos and videos clickbait free and focussed on the experience of the location. And if you enjoyed this content and want to help me keep creating, consider 'buying me a coffee' on Buy Me a Coffee! It's a small gesture that makes a big difference in supporting my work. Thanks for your support!
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