Alright, listen up, my merry little crew of kiddos! Are you looking to UP your present game this holiday season? Forget about those ancient pieces of paper you've been scribbling your Christmas lists on. Those are SO 1990. We're about to take it to a whole new level of present awesomeness this year. Brace yourselves for the magical world of Christmas list POWERPOINT presentations. You’re about t...
PowerPoint Presents
Dec 01, 2023
129 Aufrufe
Are you already thinking about your New Year's resolution? We briefly talked about this on the radio show and found it's not even December yet, but we're already preparing our list of reasons why we won't stick to them. According to a poll, the easiest resolutions are things like "practicing better hygiene" and "drinking more water.” OK, so you'll have clean teeth and you'll need to pee a lot mo...
Resolution time already?
Nov 27, 2023
102 Aufrufe