In The Works

Aug 22, 2021

While the comic is under some minor redesigns, I've been putting more focus on the visual novel.

It's definitely fun jumping back into the world of my modern Gothic Mystery. It's working title for now is "A Helping Hand". It's sorta sticking, but I'm still not completely sold on that title. For now though, the script is underway and some of the backgrounds are close to being finished.

While this is a visual novel, it's not a dating sim. It's a Gothic Mystery at its core. I'm still torn on one of the endings because it may be too dark. But for the genre it could also be perfectly fitting. Either way, I'm definitely excited to put everything together. The drawing process for both this and the comic has been slowed down lately since my wrist has been acting up. It's more than likely a repetitive movement injury from work combined with carpal tunnel. Up until this past week the store I work at has been getting a lot of larger shipments and heavier shipments. And it definitely took a toll on my wrist. So I've been trying to give it enough rest while trying to find a balance between rest and time in a brace, and drawing and how to draw in a way that doesn't completely aggravate my wrist.

In the meantime, I'm going to be going back and forth between the comic and the visual novel and I hope you all are just as hyped for these to come together as I am while working on them.

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