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Cobweb mold contamination in mushroom gr ...

Cobweb mold contamination in mushroom growing

Oct 02, 2022

Cobweb is a common fungal disease of commercially and home cultivated mushrooms. 

Disease is caused by mold pathogens: Dactylium spp., Cladobotryum spp., Hypomyces spp. etc.

We remember the best and most common advice for treating any kind of mold is «Throw it away immediately!»

However we have good news!

❇️ Actually, cobweb is considered a treatable disease. It is one of the few molds which can be inhibit or even destroyed with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or salt application

❓How to identify cobweb contamination?
❓Cobweb or mushroom mycelium?
❓Preventative measures of cobweb disease
❓Cobweb mold treatment guide

Check out full guide:
How to identify and get rid of Cobweb Mold

Have a happy growing and healthy shrooms!
©Shroomok - Mushroom Cultivation Guide

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