Changes & Lineup!!

Changes & Lineup!!

Feb 07, 2022

Hello Coffee Crew!!!

Here is the line up for this week! Also, we have some additional changes coming down the pipe. I am going to be slowly moving things from BuyMeACoffee to YouTubes Membership Option which I'll link below. I will still continue to post everything here like normal as I do have some folks who paid for the yearly but I have disabled that option so no additional yearly subscriptions can be added, and I am also disabling the ability for any new supporters here and am directing them to YouTube. << Simply go to our page and click "Join" and cancel your subscription here.

If you would like to stay here monthly that is 100% okay with me as I'm going to keep this going until the end of the year, however if you would like to cancel your subscription here and go over to YouTube you get additional perks such as special badges, special chat options, priority comments, access when we guest host additional podcasts that are not usually live streamed and so on. YT just gives me more options to offer than BYMAC for you guys.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to let me know - Love your faces and I'll see you tonight with Conservative Texan

<3 Ship

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