It was one of those dewy mornings. The kind where you could smell the fresh water in the air and hear the wildlife slowly rising from a deep slumber. Everything was still and calm. Everything was at peace. Except for Azler, of course. He was on his second cigarette already and his heel had bounced a solid hole in the earth beneath his feet. It was barely even daylight and half of his d...
Nightbound Side Story (Azler) Part 4
Feb 19, 2023
158 перегляди
Avery Grant, Please present yourself to the front gates this Tuesday at 0600 sharp. Tardiness will be punished. “What do you think they want?” Jaskier wondered. “Who do you think sent it?” Albert asked. “What do you think the punishment will be?” Jedrick inquired. “What’s with the chicken?” Edwin snatched the letter from Azler’s hands, finger shifting al...
Nightbound Side Story (Azler) Part 3
Feb 13, 2023
239 перегляди
“You’re Avery, right?” “Huh?” Azler looked up from the boot he was shining, startled. He hadn’t heard the new guy approaching him at all. Had he really been so focused on his task that he had forgotten to stay alert? Or was this something else? Something suspicious? “Avery? Avery Grant?” The boy blinked at him, innocent, as if he didn’t realize how silent his arrival ...
Nightbound Side Story (Azler) Part 2
Feb 13, 2023
172 перегляди