About ShenigramYelroc
media streamer
A straight forward old lady, that wants to remind the world WE have a reason, a purpose and a direction. A grammaw heart, started streaming on YouTube just to not feel alone myself. Then pushed thru to give a friend an opening to learn and to not BE alone. Now, learning more myself about the crazy world of social (anti-social) media relationships.
Recent supporters

ANiceOlLady became a supporter.
Where oh Where will this money go; oh where oh where will it go?
Have fun Sweetie

Someone became a supporter.
Doing Saturday evenings: 'Can you get to the games already?' stream, starting Pacific Time 6:00p.m., then... Sundays stream 'Funday Sunday' start at 1:30 Pacific Time. Both streams we chat with chat, just Saturday the goal is for chat to keep the Topics in chat going so nicely, we never get to games. (Is only happened once so far!) Feel free to come over, sub up, and chat a bit... Youtube.com/@she...
Weekend streams
Dec 28, 2024