Tribe Update - August 10, 2021

Tribe Update - August 10, 2021

Oct 01, 2021

August 10, 2021

It's 1759 and I have not written a word.

I decided to get some extra sleep because of the past days and my physical state. I woke at 0631, checked the weather to find that the tropical system was still in our general area. The winds has passed but the rain was persisting. Instead of writing I persuaded my mother not to go to work. She has this odd obsession with acting as though our village doesn't get locked in when it rains heavily. The last two times her vehicle was almost dragged away in the water after she checked both entrances to the village and decided to try going through the water which almost got into the engine on one occasion and which caused the vehicle to stall in the other situation.

Don't ask why she does this.

By the time I had convinced her not to go in I found myself pulled in to Mrs. Winterbourne and then I wasn't in the mood to write. I tried getting myself on the mood by researching playwrighting and fell into Twitter. I began feeling terribly about my progress then tallied the dialogue of The Tribe. It's not great but I feel good about it. So I will take these 22.63 minutes and add to them.

No, I won't.

I can't focus on properly editing A Family Game(AFG) for my first competition while writing The Tribe. They are both deal with heavy topics and I am an untrained eye who is just beginning. If these were small poems or articles I would be a little more confident but most likely it's my fear at failing the AFG edit which is debilitated me. So for the next few days, that's four days to be exact, I won't be pushing to write Tribe scenes. This also means I have dropped out of the Mini 1000. But it's worth it.


I've been reading. Apparently what I have been calling plotting is actually called prose treatment. Isn't reading the most edifying thing you have ever encountered?

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