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Emotional Authority

Emotional Authority

Feb 12, 2022

What is your Human Design "Authority"? This is the driver seat of your body's vehicle. Its the part of you that is meant to make all the decisions. We have all been brought up making decisions from our minds, but if you experiment with what your natural "Authority" (decision maker) is, you will find life opens up for you in ways that just feel more correct and aligned with who you are.

Your "authority" will depend on what Energy Type you are. And what centers are defined in your chart.

Understanding your Authority is like learning your unique inner GPS. When you start to make embodied decisions based on your correct authority, you begin to learn how to commit, want & choose what's aligned for you. Which makes your path in life more fluid and with a lot less road blocks that end up making you feel stuck.

The center in your body that holds all the powerful wisdom to help you make decisions small or large can be one of 7; Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self-Projected..
There are two additional Authorities that don’t exist within the body: Mental (Projectors) and Lunar (Reflectors).

Fun fact: 50% of the population is Emotional Authority.

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a poem for you Emotional Beings...

"The Solar Plexus Center, a sea of emotions,
Releases a wave that takes us through oceans.
From hope to pain, from joy to despair,
Our feelings, needs, and desires are all there.

To find stability, we must understand
The cyclical pattern of this emotional land.
Transcend it, we must, but not by mind control,
But through waiting for clarity to unfold.

As we wait, the wave begins to level,
And our understanding deepens, like a revelation.
No more reactive, premature, or chaotic emotions,
But a peaceful, harmonious flow like gentle oceans.

Understanding this movement of waves,
We can transform harmful emotions that misbehave.
So let's wait for clarity and be emotionally wise,
To send out our emotional alchemy into the world's skies."

- Shay Labbé

This is a powerful authority. Its all about feeling the highs and the lows of every situation. This inner navigation system will pull you in different directions before being able to make decisions. It needs to feel the super highs (the joy and happiness) and the super lows (the melancholy and sadness) of things to gain clarity about that thing. It is only when you are back to the middle ground of your feels...the neutral territory of your emotions that you will be able to make the best decisions from. However, sometimes it could even be that you hang out too long in the neutral territory of your feels, and therefore need to experience another wave before deciding.
These "Waves" of emotions can be within seconds, or some could take weeks, months or years! What is crucial is becoming aware of your waves, and identifying when you are in the low or the high of one.
Once you get better at this, you will be able to let your emotions pass through you in a more fluid like state, rather than having your brain get caught up on trying to identify "WHY" you're feeling what you're feeling.

Also, becoming aware of the highs and lows will allow you to process that wave quicker...For example: someone has invited you to a party while you are in a high, and you say yes without giving yourself time to feel how your answer would feel while in your low. And once you do have your low and come back to a neutral state, you might end up regretting saying "yes". Or reversed: maybe you said "no" because you were in a low, but later you realized you want to go.

When you hear things like "follow your gut"...that might feel confusing to you, because its literally not correct for you to do that! Only sacral beings or Splenic Authorities are meant to follow their "gut" so-to-speak; or their "instincts" (which is another one we tend to hear).

These type of blanket statements are just conditioning from others. So becoming aware and tuning into the physical body and emotions is crucial for anyone learning to use their Authority.

The more you experiment with your emotional authority, the faster you will get at coming to decisions that are correct for you. Something good to remember; when you are in your emotionally neutral or "calm" state after your wave, you will feel you know your decision, because you've already been back and forth with your wave, so the clarity will just appear. (However, "clarity" is not always going to feel 100%, it's more of a calm state that brings with it the feeling of being ready to decide.)

TIP: *If your Solar plexus is defined through an "un-conscious" channel, that means you might not feel like an "emotional being". It may be harder for you to relate to this "emotional wave" we are talking about. The thing about our unconscious design is the people around us will notice these parts of us more. So maybe have a conversation with a close friend who knows you, see what they think to give you some perspective. If anything, it might just seem to you or others that you are a bit "indecisive" or undecided at times.

There are different types of Emotional "Waves" within this "Emotional Authority"


This wave is the most subtle wave. This is the type of wave that may even make you resonate more with non-emotional types, since you don't have these super high-highs and low-lows. This channel is all about bonding with others and intimacy. So you might notice in a "subtle low" you don't want to be around others, and maybe the opposite during a high wave...enjoying being with others. This channel is also super powerful because it penetrates other peoples auras. You might find that people you just meet at a party all of a sudden think you are their new BFF. So just be aware of the power of this channel. So you can set clear boundaries for yourself. If you have a hard time identifying this wave, make space for yourself to change your mind...let people know you need time to think about a decision before getting back to them or committing on the spot. This will save you from a lot of situations and feelings of "how did I even get here".

This wave slowly builds over time. Like a ratcheting motion. You won't even feel it happening most of the time. And then all of a sudden you will need to release emotions in some way. Usually, when you are getting close to the peak of the wave, something so small can set you off. This is because you need the release. It's a good idea to pay attention to this wave and get to know your personal pattern with it. It will definitely help those around you understand you better when you understand your own patterns more. Maybe you find that you just need a good cry about once a month. Or maybe every couple weeks you feel the melancholy has built up to a point & the avalanche of emotions needs to be unleashed. When you have this channel, you might find the simple hand placed on your back by someone you love & trust will allow you to release. Physical touch is such an important aspect for these tribal/emotional beings.

This one is exactly what it says: Highs & Lows out of nowhere. You might feel calm, cool & collected, and then all of a sudden you're in a super high or super low. These emotions can spike very quickly and also pass very quickly. The release comes from the crescendo of the high or low. So there's not so much build up, his wave is good at just expressing itself in the moment...its normal for you to shoot up or shoot down within 5 minutes or so. (And many times during a day.) If this is your wave, you might want to be alone when you shift into the other part of your wave. Its an intense little wave because this channel is very passionate and romantic. This wave is probably what romance novels are made from. ;) Just remember the neutral states are the times you want to be making the decisions.

These two channels are tied up in moodiness and melancholy in their emotional depth. Also, when you're in a high, you might be all about the "auditory" falling in love with a voice or music. This wave is always figuring out when to be social or not. It needs to follow how it feels in the moment to know if it can be around others or not.

This one can be pretty de-stabilizing if you are unaware of it. This wave goes up and up and up until all of a sudden it can fall off a cliff out of nowhere. A steady rise and sharp fall. This wave can be sent into a crash because of unmet expectations. So be careful about attaching expectations to things. These channels are all about doing things for the experience and not for the expectations.

For example; you have the "subtle" wave and the "build-up" wave. You will have emotions building and building, but you might also experience the sudden highs a lows within a day. There are 4 different types of emotional waves, but you can have a completely different experience than another person with Emotional Authority, since anyone can have combinations of all these types of waves. So tune into yourself, pay attention to your own patterns and check out which emotional channels are defined in your chart. There is a massive spectrum of emotions, and we all feel them differently.

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