Red Atmosphere

Red Atmosphere

Oct 25, 2021

You'd think these tulips were part of a bigger more beautiful garden. Something along the lines of the Hamilton Botanical Gardens or even my usual Auckland Botanical Gardens shooting location. But no. Just the most unassuming garden you can think of. The front yard of a friends house.

Just a small set of tulips that were sitting on the side of the yard. Angles are everything for a photographer. And this angle came out perfect with the dark greens of the plants behind plus the tulips themselves.

I stared at this image for the longest time because something about it gave me space vibes. I couldn't figure it out until I looked at the other tulips in the background, having been blurred into a nebula like haze. Somewhere, out in space, there is a collection of red gas that glows like that and my mind threw itself in yet another hyper-fixation of space exploration.

While this shot is awesome of some beautiful nature, it holds another complete feeling in my mind every time I look at it.

What do you see?

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