Hey there, Shahzain_codes is here.

Hey there, Shahzain_codes is here.

Nov 09, 2020

I'm 17 and would be glad if you could buy me a coffee to support my ongoing development in programming.

As 2020 might have been a rough year for some it has taught me a lot from becoming the best version of myself to lifelong skills and I will forever be thankful to quarantine for making me realize my true potential and how much someone can achieve once they realize the power of being alone and the power of full concentration on yourself. Being alone and concentrating fully on yourself might seem hard in the beginning but you slowly get used to it and eventually it pays off. For me, I had used quarantine to share my knowledge of Python programming to young students and I honestly loved it as I was teaching what I was most passionate about other than that I had greatly increased my own knowledge in python programming and java which gave me a good headstart in my first year of university. That's why I have decided to hop on to this platform and share my knowledge in programming with even more people if anyone is interested please do support me and check out my extras!!!

Thank you.

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