I Will Not Give Up!

I Will Not Give Up!

Feb 26, 2023

Photo by Ruben Mishchuk on Unsplash

I want to encourage anyone who is thinking about giving up and giving up.

Someone who has been praying for years to change things.
But he can’t do that. He made all efforts on his part but in vain.

Are any of you like that?

So this is for you.

Weoften think that what is lacking in us cannot do what we want to achieve, why does this happen to us?

Here, if we try to learn from the mistakes that have been made knowingly or unknowingly despite our continuous efforts, the scenario of our life can change, We will solve the problems in a better way.

Negative Thinking

Defeat always starts with negative thinking. Once you think I can’t do it, believe me, that’s where your downward spiral begins.
It is only a negative thought that diverts us from our real purpose.

Success And Our Priorities

First of all, we have to decide what is success in our eyes.
Is it our personal preference (self-gratification) or the pursuit of great wealth?

In my view there are two types of people in the world.

1- who wants success simply so that they can improve their lifestyle.

2- who want to show off their talent, and they know very well that their talent will make them rich and their identity unique in the world.

Life is a Battlefield Prepare Yourself For The Fight.

Before entering the battlefield, a soldier must fully understand that he has to win this war at all costs. Losing means either death or lifelong anonymity.

Don’t give up in front of difficulties, learn to fight them because losing means here losing everything.

So my friends!

There is only one principle to be successful in life, tireless hard work, consistant hard work and self-confidence.

Don’t give up.
Never give up.
Stay focused on your goals.
Don’t be afraid of occasional failures, if you fail, try again, and again, and again.

It is difficult but not impossible, believe me.
I will not give up.
I will not surrender.
I will not leave.

Make sure in your mind that winning is life and losing is death.
The death of our dreams, the death of our courage.

Don’t stop chasing your dreams.

Keep your top.

Walk with pride.

And know that if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
Hard times come, but they are here to pass, not to stay.
Don’t say I’m having a bad day, say I’m having a character-building day.
Don’t see the night as darkness, see the night as a new beginning.

Final Words

Remember, the world remembers only brave and successful people.
Failed and discouraged people become a thing of the past.

So always fight to win


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