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Marvin bought a coffee.
thank u 🌌

radiometaverse bought a coffee.
Well, I am pretty lost when trying to code successfully. I have ADHD without hyperactivity. I am also 72 years old so my memory does not really hold much for very long. Oh yes, and I am mildly dyslexic. Still, I get the biggest kick out of when I get something to work! Something I see on the computer I have made! So enough bout me. I have spend maybe 15 hours trying to sort out the basics of Strapi and I know little to nothing about Laravel other than it is supposed to be a great framework for PHP. I know a little PHP😀. So after all those hours, I stumbled on Shahed's tutorial! It took a bit to wrap my head around it but after a couple of hours, I got "This is some text within a card body" displayed on my screen! Okay, the point is Shahed, after giving up on half a dozen tutorials I found yours to be the best of them all! Thank yous o much! Enjoy the coffee!