Adventures Are Loading...

Adventures Are Loading...

Nov 07, 2021

I have been on a fitness journey for the past four years. I grew up hiking and exploring, and all the way through college, adventuring was a way of life... And then I had a couple of kids, eight in fact, and I sat on the couch for years and years. My adventures slowed right down to the speed of a toddler, and I might have spent hours and hours on the couch reading stories with kids. My world was limited to dreams...

The dreams didn't go away, but my fitness did... I was as unfit as anyone could be. I felt terrible, slow sluggish and unable to do anything. Possibly the worst, though I didn't know it at the time, was complete and utter sleep depravation, made it almost impossible for me to get moving again.

That all changed with an email, and a friend asking if I wanted to do a six week fitness course with her. Honestly in my head, I was still fit, and how bad could it be? Well it was bad, shockingly bad... but I did learn one thing... TAKE THE FIRST STEP...

And that was the beginning of my fitness journey and it turns out that I still love adventuring and exploring, and not just in books on the couch.

I have run half marathons which I never dreamed I could do, I have hiked to the top of mountains that I never thought I would see the top of... I have never gone past a mountain top that I didn't want to see the top of... and every time I tag a peak I am absolutely overjoyed with thrill of it.

Over the last two years I have started adventure swimming, I had no idea that it was my thing... but I love it, all of it... the freezing water, the early morning starts, the hours and hours of training in the pool and the thrill of the busied getting swimmers to the start of an event.

You can read more about the start of my fitness journey over on my blog...

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