PSA #5 - Regarding the Ukraine Conflict

PSA #5 - Regarding the Ukraine Conflict

Feb 25, 2022

WOSM has issued a statement on Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine.

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The World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM) has issued a statement on the Russian-instigated conflict in Ukraine.

For our part, we condemn Russia’s aggression (inasmuch as that means anything), and we pray for a speedy resolution to these events. We cannot begin to imagine the fear with which Ukrainian parents must be living, as they continue to send their children to school...and potentially into harm’s way.

And we hope that all Scouts in the country, especially, are safe and remain unharmed by the conflict. We are also confident that when the time comes and the need arises, they will be there to aid their communities in the ways that Scouts do best.


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